The most recent commits are listed below. There were some users complaining about the department-perms not working when adding a file. That issue is hopefully resolved. The locked/unlocked icon will now show locked only for files that are checked-out, or that are expired. Previously any users that had view permissions for a file were being shown the red X. Updated the installer routine to help when re-installing. If there is a config.php file the installer will now ask that the file be renamed or removed to proceed with install or upgrade. During installation, the installer will now ask to set the admin user password instead of defaulting it to be blank. UDF’s were having problems if the database user did not have ALTER perms. New “tweeter” theme has been added, and the overall themability of OpenDocMan has been improved dramatically. Users should now be able to “spin off” from the default theme, and by altering the header.tpl and footer.tpl, have a new site design. IE users (not suprisingly) were having many issues including non-functioning buttons, and the forms and text were all being centered. We have shifted the text and forms to be left-aligned now to help resolve this issue, and removed all of the <center> tags. Some translations were added.
You may download the newest beta version HERE.
- 0000444: [Input Validation] Department - Should not allow a blank department name. (logart) - resolved.
- 0000438: [User Interface] IE 7 - Buttons tags do not submit forms (logart) - resolved.
- 0000442: [User Interface] UI - Locked/Unlocked icon and red/green coloration are working wrong (logart) - resolved.
- 0000441: [Installation] Installer warns of Undefined index: dataDir (logart) - resolved.
- 0000443: [Security] Ask for admin password during installation (logart) - resolved.
- 0000440: [Core] User.php - Cannot delete user (logart) - resolved.
- 0000437: [User Interface] Check-All on the Reject and ToBePublished pages not working for IE v8 and below (logart) - resolved.
- 0000436: [Database] UDF - DB Error if no ALTER perms leaves UDF in partially created state. (logart) - resolved.
- 0000432: [Core] Case-Sensitive Search Returning Zero Results (logart) - resolved.
- 0000434: [Input Validation] User review settings not saving properly (logart) - resolved.
- 0000435: [User Interface] UI - Create new tweeter theme (logart) - resolved.
- 0000433: [User Interface] UI - templates_c needs to be cleared when changing themes (logart) - resolved.
- 0000413: [User Interface] Text in UI is centered where it shouldn't be in IE (logart) - resolved.
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