CSC – Worldwide
CSC is subscribing to this DMS for the purpose of managing OPTARS proposal documents and providing a common repository that all OPTARS contractors have access to for viewing and/or editing existing proposal documents, and for authoring and uploading new proposal documents.
Prilep Brewery 1924 – Prilep, Republic of Macedonia.
Brewery located in the Republic of Macedonia. They are using OpenDocMan to help organize their contracts. – Arizona
Broadband and Voip service provider.
The Kiwi Club of New York, Inc. – New York
The program is being used by this non-profit social club in New York (for New Zealander’s living in the US) to archive board documents, photos, documents, newsletters,etc.. They are trying to digitize their 20+ years worth of paper documents.
FITECO, Woodway, TX
National response team helping to defeat wildfires throughout the US.
St. Louis Professional Coders, St. Louis, MS
A local American Academy of Professional Coders chapter that is dedicated to the advancement of local professional medical coders.
Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital, Dublin Ireland
Hospital in Ireland that uses OpenDocMan